Health services / Inari municipality area: - Ivalo Health Centre has 24/7 doctor in call
Health services / Inari municipality area:
Ivalo Health Centre has 24/7 doctor in call.
On Mon-Fri cl 08:00-14:00 there are appointment numbers for different regions/teams (non-urgent issues):
Jänkä: +358403534952
Korpi: +358401932273
Rakka: +358401549772
In case of urgent need for doctor cl 16:00-08:00 and during weekends: please call in advance to the nurse in call +358407709187 so we can plan your appointment and do the assessment of treatment.
In case of emergencys: always call 112!
Terveystalo Ivalo is a private health care company: / customer service 030 6000